Merging of Difference and Unity

An ancient Zen poem, “Merging of Difference and Unity” (Sandokai in Japanese) offers insight into navigating the challenges and wonders of our human condition. At its heart is a paradox: we live both as unique individuals and in a unity beyond measure. However, because of our deluded minds, we don’t often appreciate the second half of this truth.


The Text

See page 12 in our chant book here >>


Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness, Shunryu Suzuki

Living by Vow, Chapter 7, “All is One, One is All: Merging of Difference and Unity”, Shohaku Okumura

The Infinite Mirror: Commentaries on Two Chan Classics, Sheng Yen.


Kokyo Henkle’s series >>

Norman Fisher and Everyday Zen teachers 2021 series >>

Practicing joyfully together with all beings